Course Overview
Throughout the qualification Learners will build an in-depth knowledge of assessing, covering key topics including: principles and practices of assessment, types of assessment methods, the importance of quality assurance in assessment processes and more.
Assessment Methods
At least 2 assessment observations while Trainee assessors assess 2 different learners for Unit 2 & 3, total
4 observations. However, if a Trainee assessor’s learner is working towards an occupational competencebased qualification, which includes vocational knowledge and skills elements, they could assess Units 2 and 3
holistically providing they meet the assessment requirements for both units. This would result in 2 observations
• There are 3 Trainee Assessor Workbooks, 1 for each unit:
• Unit 1: theory tasks supporting the underpinning knowledge contained within the unit
• Unit 2: theory tasks supporting the underpinning knowledge contained within the unit along with practical
activities relating to assessment
• Unit 3: theory tasks supporting the underpinning knowledge contained within the unit along with practical
activities relating to assessment